Medicine’s Substack
Medicine Girl
Episode 72-Lindsay Carricarte-The Spiritual Hamster Wheel

Episode 72-Lindsay Carricarte-The Spiritual Hamster Wheel

This is one of my favorite guests so far. Lindsay Carricarte is a unique human, able to look at herself honestly and with a smile on her face. I learned so much about the traps of the so called spiritual community and the futile attempts at self improvement from an external source will never work as true inner work. Instead, it is just a way to endlessley spin your energy wheels as you infinitely peel back more and more layers of the proverbial onion. This is a great way to stay stuck, forever healing yourself with no real forward movement. 

Lindsay is a New Thought Spiritual Practitioner and Spiritual Psychology Coach. A 3/5 Mental Projector, Lindsay passion and mission is guiding other badass spiritual-seeking humans through their awakening journey out of the matrix and into sovereignty. She does thus through human design, subconscious reprogramming, somatic healing, energy work, and intuitive guidance. 

As just of Detoxxxing from the Matrix podcast, Lindsay is bringing thought provoking conversations to the world. 

Lindsay offers various 1:1 sessions for individual guidance as well as different group programs to meet you where you are and guide you on your journey. 

Connect with her on IG @iamlundscarricarte 

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Medicine’s Substack
Medicine Girl
Medicine Girl explores ways to heal your body from the root cause, igniting your inner healer to cure from any disease state. Topics include plant medicine, journey work, sound therapy, crystal therapy, divine nutrition, nature grounding, and connecting with mother earth to transcend to a state of ultimate wellness
To find me and learn more about healing yourself from the innermost root without toxic pharmaceuticals and work one on one with a medical professional check out the links below: