We don't do "blood work" in Europe. I believe it's an American thing.

It has always amazed when I heard people talking how their "blood work" was back to normal, only later did I realise that Americans have it "done" once a year. Very strange and unnecessary practice, imho. If you don't feel sick, you're not sick.

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Once you go to the jaws of "western civilization" there is no coming back, it makes you go from one crisis to another, I'm from India and we had a amazing medical system called Ayurveda which was removed slowly for over 1000 years due to colonization, since I was grown in a western cultural mindset, I have come to know both sides.

In the western system, there is no end to crisis, even after diagnosis, there is no guarantee you get cure, its just treatments and then its life long medication and side effects plus bills and debts and then paying of debts.

In India, the average life expectancy of a western doctor is 58, there is no stats for Ayurvedic doctors as its never been taken but I have never met a Ayurvedic doctor or researched, who has not gone past 90+

I moved to traditional medicine of the world which include Ayurveda to Chinese to Native American Indian from where i got to know about Saw Palmetto, African, South East Asian and I'm blown away with the cures that the entire traditional medicine has, I feel so stupid and embarrassed, there is no traditional system in the world that cannot cure you of any illness on earth, with the advancement in AI tools, its so easy to find traditional cure from all over the world, give it a try, you will never go back to allopathic system ever.

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Good topic and post. Two points:

-My understanding is Jolie is M to F so never had breasts to begin with, a double fake.

-The "false positive HIV test" is impossible, because there is no true positive because no HIV virus has ever been found.

Thanks for the post.

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Bravo! Excellent article!

You first have to invite the vampire in before they suck your blood.

Making the unnecessary appointment ... is the invitation.

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Outstanding comment :-)

Rock on girl!!

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Sister I am so thankful Father God placed you in front of my eyes!! No more blood tests EVER!! Peace

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Great dig :-)

Jolie,,,,,MTF what a joke just like the rest. All inverted /sodomites. They are all androgenous.

Their self-destruction is not far off.

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Yikes...so much here that makes so much sense. I read a few months back that Americans get some 14 billion medical tests yearly or about 40 tests for every living soul in this country. Why I have to wonder as I have had none in about three years and I am in my mid 70's. But my wife on the other hand has tests done regularly and she is older.

You make some great points. Are the tests accurate? And what are the levels of measurement that determine if a test is positive or negative? Can they be trusted or is there any real science behind these levels? I might suggest that if they find you to be out-of-whack from having some test, what do they do? Give you endless and for-life prescriptions or urge us to have to have some more testing or perhaps even some procedure. In the end, you are no healthier.

I trust none of it as most of the medical mafia is run not on better health and healthier results from interventions, but on creating a mountain of fear. The perfect example is the PCR "test" which really isn't a test as there is no set standard to running the number of cycles. Look where fake PCR testing has led. Basically to murder by injection of mRNA poisons which for sure have no real long term trials to back up the claim they are safe and effective. It's a gigantic pile of rubbish.

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“They use your blood to sell you drugs to change lab values, not improve your health . . . .”


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Very interesting commentary! Makes a lot of sense actually. You briefly mentioned DNA testing. I've been doubtful of that for years. Look at the cost of DNA testing and what results tell you about your genes that are faulty or not. I've been so doubtful about interpretations and recommendations to people who have MTHR and other "defects." Answer is supplements geared to your genes. We were told to eat our blood type, or personality type. Now the new rage is eat according to your genes. How little we really know about all this!

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Interesting as I have seen perfectly normal white cell amounts in the blood only to be told they have just been tested and have low or high.

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