Lab Value Larceny
They want your blood so they can cast their spells of death, sickness and disease.
What are you really getting yourself into when you innocently go into a laboratory and give them a few vials of blood?
As we know, lab testing is the cornerstone of the medical industrial complex, providing biased information that forms the basis of countless diagnoses (spell casting) and subsequent treatments. Let us suppose for a moment that the pharmaceutical funded laboratory tests, and the pharmaceutical funded lab values, with the pharmaceutical funded normal and abnormal ranges were actual true markers and the findings were accurate. Even with having to remove our brain for a moment and agree with the snake oil salesmen, even the accuracy of these questionable tests is increasingly being called into question. In this article, I delve into the problem of not only inaccurate lab testing and highlight the disturbing frequency of false results leading to misdiagnoses, but more importantly, are the lab values even telling us the whole picture when we actually do have accurate results?
The Insane Market Value of Lab Testing
Not surprisingly, the global lab testing market has seen remarkable growth over the years. According to market research reports, the lab testing market was valued at approximately $100 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $150 billion by 2025. Never let a good plandemic go to waste. Just one example of a laboratory test the infamous PCR market size was valued at USD $2,350.5 million in 2019 and the market size jumped a skosh higher to $9.15 billion in 2023. The market is projected to grow from $9.91 billion in 2024 to $19.23 billion by 2032. Maybe finance isn’t my strong point, but it seems like the not so attractive someones who knew this was coming stand to make yet another fortune on the backs of their slave population. Or as I call it, energy transfer. You spend your energy working to earn money you give back to them to further imprison and enslave you.
This growth is driven by so called advancements in diagnostic technologies, the rise This growth is driven by so-called advancements in diagnostic technologies, the rise in chronic diseases, and an increasing emphasis on personalized medicine. Personalized medicine is another snake oil con job designed to not only tell you what is wrong with you now but what is going to be wrong with you in the future. Maybe that's why Blackstone bought for 4.7 billion. Because they know everyone will want to know what COULD be wrong with them so they can take the magic drugs or potions or surgeries to prevent. Oh, it never ends. And even if this future DNA scam nocebo prediction were accurate (which they are not as we will soon uncover), even the reliability of lab tests using matrix studies and Google are anything but.
Inaccuracies in Lab Testing
Recent repohave shown up to 30% of matrix lab tests are inaccurate. These inaccuracies can arise from various factors, including human error, equipment malfunctions, and flawed testing protocols. For instance, issues with sample handling, contamination, and mislabeling have contributed to erroneous outcomes. Both false positives and false negatives occur regularly. A false positive is the ultimate spell; the result indicates the presence of a condition when it is not actually there, leading to unnecessary stress, additional testing, and potentially harmful treatments. Conversely, a false negative result fails to detect an existing condition, resulting in missed diagnoses and delayed interventions.
The Domino Effect of Misdiagnosis
The ripple effect of inaccurate lab results often leads to misdiagnosis, which can have grave consequences. According to estimates, diagnostic errors incur an annual global cost of 3 billion dollars. Consider the case of cancer screening tests. A false positive may lead to expensive and invasive biopsies and treatments, which carry their own risks and side effects. There are countless examples of people hearing from their MD that they have stage 4 cancer, less than six weeks to live, and die right on schedule, only to find out they had the wrong chart and there was nothing medically wrong with the patient. This is the crux of the medical industrial complex. They need you to BE-LIE-VE (be-come and LIVE the lie) in what they are saying for the magic to work. Again, this is what the DNA market is all about. Getting you to believe in future diseases is big business.
Just ask Angelina Jolie, the woman with obvious breast implants telling women she is making a brave choice after testing positive for the BRAC1 and BRAC2 genes and is electing to completely remove her breasts. After she allegedly had her breasts surgically removed, I really doubt ‘she’ did, thousands of women followed suit and removed their breasts. Oh, did they mention they made a mistake? Turns out those genes had NOTHING to do with breast cancer. Turns out GENES have nothing to do with anything except to program you into getting future fake diseases. But I already knew that. And alas, no one listens to the one or two voices of reason, especially when it comes to mutilating their bodies for some reason.
Regulatory Scrutiny and Quality Control
Addressing the issue of lab testing inaccuracies requires stringent regulatory oversight and robust quality control measures. Regulatory bodies like the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) oversee lab testing protocols, so all you need to do is line their pockets and you have your answer. What answer? Whatever you want the graph to look like, the l”independent/unbiased labs will adjust certain variables until it looks like their boss aka big pharama likes. Which, to state the obvious, has nothing to do with your health. It is to sell drugs, vitamins and supplements that simply change a lab value so they can say “Look! The drug is working! The lab value is now “normal”” Meanwhile your health is deteriorating, your hair is falling out, you can’t have sex, your forget your name on several occasions, but it is definitely working.
Fatalities Due to False Positive Lab Test Results
Misdiagnosed Heart Attack
A 60-year-old woman was misdiagnosed with a heart attack after a false positive troponin test. Despite feeling normal heart activity, she was subjected to unnecessary invasive procedures, including angioplasty. During the procedure, she experienced complications and subsequently suffered a fatal cardiac arrest.
False Positive HIV Test
A young man in his early 30s received a false positive result for HIV. The emotional distress led him to depression, and he started on antiretroviral therapy. The medication, unnecessary for someone who was actually HIV-negative, caused severe liver damage over a few months. Complications from liver failure eventually led to his death.
Wrong Cancer Diagnosis
A 45-year-old woman received a false positive result for ovarian cancer. Based on the faulty lab result, doctors recommended an aggressive treatment plan, including chemotherapy and surgery to remove her ovaries. The treatment caused severe complications, including infections and organ damage. Unable to recover from the extensive medical intervention, she died a few months later.
False Positive Sepsis Alert
A 70-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with fever and confusion. A false positive blood test indicated sepsis, prompting immediate and aggressive antibiotic treatment. He developed a severe allergic reaction to the antibiotics, causing anaphylactic shock. Despite rapid medical intervention, he did not survive.
But what are you really getting when you give them your blood?
There is an obvious problem with lab testing on a good day and getting accurate results. But are lab values giving you an actual indication or your health? They use your blood to sell you drugs to change lab values, not improve your health, that should now be glaringly obvious by now. That is what they look for in drugs, ingested chemicals that change markers on lab tests. That’s it. Then they experiment with dosages so they don't kill you immediately, but erode your health so you will need more lab tests, more drugs and more care. Your stock just went up inside the medical industrial complex.
The most obvious blood marker test is cholesterol. Everyone has heard that LDL is bad, HDL is good, and low cholesterol is even better. Even those claiming to be alternative practitioners will give you diets, vitamins, and supplements to lower cholesterol naturally. Eat oatmeal and take plant statins. NO, the lower the cholesterol, the lower your health and life expectancy. The statistics are crystal clear on this one. We know cholesterol is essential for cell membrane structure, hormone production, and vitamin D synthesis. Nerve fiber protection and the speed of electrical impulses rely on a myelin coating made up of mostly cholesterol and maybe 20% other lipids. Cholesterol is necessary for forming new myelin.
Can you guess what happens when you systematically reduce cholesterol through statin drugs your MD sold you as a result of “abnormal” high cholesterol lab report?
Dementia, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myasthenia graves, to name a few diagnosis they will throw at you. It’s not a disease you just happened to get, or your bad genetics. It is simply a constant, consistent, wearing away of the myelin over a long period of time. Statin drugs and vitamins are the main contributors to demyelination, but stress, acidic states and highly processed low cholesterol diets can also cause issues.
Don't you find it odd that almost everyone tests low for Vitamin D, from the surfer dude to the bed ridden grandma?
Another obvious lab test that is a glaring hoax is the test for Vitamin D. The lab test measures 25D, an intermediary form of the secosteroid hormone, which has nothing to do with your sunshine exposure related to your bone health. But they test for it because almost everyone is "low." And they found a drug that manipulates the 25D levels so they can once again tell you it's working
Tests such as the PCR, PSA, HIV, HepB, HepC, etc. are allegedly finding and diagnosing chronic diseases. Unless you have been living under a rock, these tests are not only unreliable, it is like Russian roulette. They do not indicate disease, only markers present which they tell you means you have prostate cancer or HIV, to sell you drugs and procedures. Remember Pamela Anderson was plastered all over the media declaring to the world she had contracted hepatitis C from her rock star boyfriend Tommy Lee and sharing tattoo needles. Remember product placement isn’t always so obvious. She was very well known at the time and everyone was talking about it. And then miraculously she was able to afford the miracle drug which now everyone knows the name of and wants so they can cure their death sentence.
The PSA is a hoax, the inventor came clean and said the test was not meant for diagnosing prostate cancer. The book “The Great Prostate Hoax: How Big Medicine Hijacked the PSA Test and Caused a Public Health Disaster” spells out the problem. Financial gain drives these tests as they falsely claim a disease state when there isn’t one, thereby casting spells on men who now believe they have cancer and asubsequent death sentence. I personally witnessed a healthy 70-year-old man take the test, and the family prepared for his death, gave him all the drugs and procedures, and he died in 2 years. Not just 2 years of living happy and healthy, 2 years of extreme illness brought about by the treatments for the alleged cancer which did not exist in the first place. By the time they realized this it was too late, his body was destroyed by their “treatments.” This is just one example but is indicative of all testing procedures. Again, you don’t go to the car salesmen to tell you how great riding a bicycle is. They are there to sell you a car. You don’t go to the medical industrial complex to confirm you are healthy. They look for ways to trick you into taking poison to get well. Can you see any conflict of interest at least?
What about liver and kidney function tests, blood markers that indicate cancer? Aren’t those necessary?
If you are unconscious and don’t know that the prescription drugs, vitamins, supplements, alcohol, processed foods, nicotine, caffeine, and sugar are damaging your liver and kidneys, then a lab test isn’t going to change things. Why wait until you have damage and then need some type of intervention like surgery to remove the organs, transplants, or more drugs to keep you alive? Eat high-energy foods, drink real spring water you get yourself, move your body in pain-free energetic ways and stay away from toxic garbage, including movies and music. If you don’t know what toxic garbage is, take my 10-week course where I go over everything that is toxic or my 30-day cleanse coming up September 21st, 2024. It's about empowering you to take full responsibility for your health, wellness, and longevity so you will no longer allow someone who profits from your ignorance and illness to tell you what to put in your body.
I have a friend who is aware and in excellent health, who is mortified that I never have my blood tested. He asked me how I would know if something was wrong with me that I could have caught early and treated. Let's break that down. First, I would have to believe that a disease or illness can spontaneously happen out of nowhere and attack me. I don’t believe this, so Strike 1. Second, no matter what the blood markers indicate, it is only a way to sell me drugs or procedures which I would never do. By this I mean, the solution for ALL of it is to address the root causes of the toxins and poisons and the body will heal itself. Which is now Strike 2. The lab tests never indicate the root of the problem, only the pharmaceutical-funded abnormal value and as we now know is simpl
y a way to sell drugs or procedures that change that marker. Strike 3.
The only way to discern objectively if there is something wrong is to listen to the symptoms your body is communicating with you.
Are you tired all the time, is your hair getting and thinning, are you sleeping at night, is your skin dry and sallow, are your eyes bloodshot and dull, are you depressed and anxious, do you have habits or addictions, are your nails brittle and cracked, do your bones and joints ache?
And a million other obvious signs. You are meant to live in vibrant health, with exuberant energy, with the stamina and vigor of your youth. And of course, if you are not willing to take responsibility and ingest known poisons, then I would recommend that you give your blood to loop you into the system. The solution isn’t to take drugs which is what the labs are for. If you have symptoms, rewind 6-12 weeks and look at what was going on in your life that was different or unusual. In my 35 years, every single person I've encountered knows exactly why they have symptoms, most don’t want to address and change the root cause as it would mean addressing and changing. Which would mean getting rid of the toxic garbage in your life from alcohol to television to headphones and scented candles. If you want to get rid of all of the toxins in your life, I welcome you to take my 10 week course, click HERE
for details, all ready to go, at your own pace. The course will go over all the hidden toxins that are slowly eroding your health so you son’t need to give the satanic system a drop of your blood. You will be in harmony, your body a miraculous being that will indicate when you are out of alignment in the moment so you can address it immediately and course correct. And if you want a jump start, going us September 21st at 08:00am PST for our guided 30 day cleanse. We will have 4 live video classes and one bonus after the completion of our 30 days. Click the photo below or HERE and learn more. If money is an issue, contact me and I will give you some very generous coupon codes depending on your need. No one is turned away for lack of funds.
Only you know your body and what is best for you. Please don’t let anyone tell you what to put in your body but you. We have been gifted a miraculous body capable of cleaning, healing and living in ways beyond our wildest comprehension when we don’t interfere, or enter into fear so we stop the body from establishing harmony and homeostasis. That is the only state we know and the body is always seeking to establish this state. When you are free of all toxins your body is operating as it should. Trust yourself, trust your wisdom, your inner knowing to the fullest. You are stronger than you think, braver than you realize. You deserve to witness your full potential.
Source of per market analysis :
General Prevalence:
Reference: World Health Organization (WHO). Patient Safety Fact File.
Link: WHO Patient Safety
Mortality and Morbidity:
Reference: James, J.T. "A New, Evidence-based Estimate of Patient Harms Associated with Hospital Care." Journal of Patient Safety. 2013.
Economic Burden:
Reference: World Health Organization (WHO). Medication errors: WHO’s Third Global Patient Safety Challenge.
Link: WHO Medication Errors
Hospital-Acquired Conditions (HACs):
Reference: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). National Scorecard on Hospital-Acquired Conditions. 2019.
Link: CMS National Scorecard
Once you go to the jaws of "western civilization" there is no coming back, it makes you go from one crisis to another, I'm from India and we had a amazing medical system called Ayurveda which was removed slowly for over 1000 years due to colonization, since I was grown in a western cultural mindset, I have come to know both sides.
In the western system, there is no end to crisis, even after diagnosis, there is no guarantee you get cure, its just treatments and then its life long medication and side effects plus bills and debts and then paying of debts.
In India, the average life expectancy of a western doctor is 58, there is no stats for Ayurvedic doctors as its never been taken but I have never met a Ayurvedic doctor or researched, who has not gone past 90+
I moved to traditional medicine of the world which include Ayurveda to Chinese to Native American Indian from where i got to know about Saw Palmetto, African, South East Asian and I'm blown away with the cures that the entire traditional medicine has, I feel so stupid and embarrassed, there is no traditional system in the world that cannot cure you of any illness on earth, with the advancement in AI tools, its so easy to find traditional cure from all over the world, give it a try, you will never go back to allopathic system ever.
Good topic and post. Two points:
-My understanding is Jolie is M to F so never had breasts to begin with, a double fake.
-The "false positive HIV test" is impossible, because there is no true positive because no HIV virus has ever been found.
Thanks for the post.