The Good Parasites
Everything you think you know about parasites is wrong and could be destroying your health...
Beneficial Parasites: An Oxymoron
Part 2 or 3-Parasites, by their very definition are said to receive benefit from their host while also directly causing the host harm. They have long been perceived solely as harmful invaders, driving diseases and a laundry list of illnesses in their hosts. Yet, like many interactions in nature, these relationships are actually symbiotic, and the nature of the relationship depends largely on the health of the host. Symbiosis, where two organisms coexist for mutual or one-sided benefits, includes most, if not all parasitic interactions as I will demonstrate. In some cases, parasites play a role in maintaining a balanced and healthy host environment, potentially contributing to vital processes such as microbiome diversity, reversing disease states, weight loss and improved cardiovascular health to name just a few.
Keep in mind, I knew a purely parasitic relationship could not exist in nature by using common sense, deducing a few immutable facts from the blueprint Mother Nature gives us. You too can figure out the truth without getting lost in the research weeds from those that profit from your naivety and unquestioned belief in “the paper research gods.” I would love to see more empowered researchers joining us, the few fringe others that speak the cleanest truth without asking you to buy some new and improved products. Anyway, I will back it up with some studies for those that are still stuck in a dysfunctional relationship with questionably funded research papers. The studies are chosen by the nature of their design. I only give merit to the results if I can either repeat them in my home, see them with a microscope, or if they use principles and draw conclusions based on the select few facts of our natural world.
According Public Figures in the Alternative Medical Movement like
, , Andy Kaufman, Tom Cowan etc. will flat out say everyone has parasites (which I agree with), that they are causing harm and need to be exterminated (which I vehemently oppose). They all have various ways to kill the invaders, from turpentine-laced castor oil to pharmaceutical-grade insecticides. Lee Merritt goes on record in multiple podcasts and journals saying that most people are asymptomatic or at least have a dangerous overgrowth and need to proactively treat parasites. She exclaims, “if you have pets, you have parasites…if you eat meat, you have parasites,” and if you breathe air, you have parasites. Merritt even proclaimed, “cancer is parasites…[they] did a series of autopsies on multiple sclerosis patients and a 100% of them had parasites in the brain and spinal cord.” Smoking gun?Not so fast, Lee. That study used 10 patients, from 1984-2014, all postmortem, and did not use a control group. They discovered the coenurus parasites active in the spinal fluid of dead people. Could it be possible that this occurs postmortem? How else does the body break down and start to decay almost immediately? It is also important to note these parasites have been found in 150 people, total, worldwide. Yes, total. Coenurosis parasites are from tapeworm larvae and result in cysts in the brain or under the skin. Humans can catch it by ingesting eggs from dog feces, not from eating a medium-rare steak or sushi. The off chance that someone made your dinner with the doggie doo-doo can expose you, and only then, if you are in a weakened and diseased state, will the parasites be able to cross the blood-brain barrier or enter the Central Nervous System (CNS). It mainly affects people in Africa and other tropical areas. Symptoms include seizures, allergic reactions, and other nervous system issues. And, of the 150 cases recorded, they did NOT develop MS. Confused yet? Good, that’s exactly where they want you. Read on, as there is more compelling research that contradicts the notion of harmful invaders lurking in the microscopic world waiting for the chance to take over our body, hijack our hormones, so we spend the rest of our lives puppeted around by little wormies.
First, let’s start with the basics in understanding why Lee Merritt’s claims are misguided at best and intentionally lying to get you to poison yourself with Ivermectin at worst. To be clear, Multiple Sclerosis is not a definitive diagnosis. It is yet another set of symptoms that result from an alleged demyelination of the brain and spinal cord, damaging the protective coverings of the nerve fibers, leading to various physical, motor, and mental symptoms. It is important to note that you could also call these symptoms Parkinson's, Myasthenia Gravis, Guillain-Barre, etc. This is important when we look at studies claiming they had 10 patients with MS. We don’t plug humans into a scanner and come out with a definitive diagnosis. We don’t even know IF the brain is actually being demyelinated. MDs go based on symptoms and use an MRI to look for areas of the brain that are damaged or inflamed. The image below is from the Cleveland Clinic, and as you can see, accounts for just about every disease and global illness. By the way, the symptoms below are ALSO the body’s progressive state from being actively poisoned, not aging as most white coats claim.
MS is more common in wealthier and developed countries than in the 3rd world—a pattern most experts have attributed to fewer parasitic infections than in developed regions. This idea, known as the "old friends hypothesis," suggests that parasites and certain bacteria, which humans have historically lived with, help keep our bodies in homeostasis. Thanks Captain Obvious. Even the the MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America) reports that “Parasites … are a possible risk-reduction factor in the development of MS. The parasites in this instance are “helminths,” which refer to a wide variety of worms, including the one Lee claims causes MS. People who have parasites are less likely to be diagnosed with MS…the lack of parasites may contribute to the higher incidence of MS in this country. O more precisely, what I believe is the culprit is the obsession most developed nations have with killing parasites, and the various poisons from Ivermectin to wormwood, they use to do so and the resulting disease states from trusting the white coats,
Another study to keep in mind, the infamous nun study that took almost 600 nuns, postmortem and examined the plaque in their brains. Those with Alzheimes’s had significant plaque, but curiously so did those without expressing signs of dementia. Researched found the only difference was the nuns who did not develop alzhemier’s personal writing was significantly more positive and optimistic than the nuns that expressed the symptoms of Alzheimers. Again and again the conclusions of the researchers are suspect and best with a myriad of other factors that may account for the results. Also keep in mind that humans do not have a control, there is not an identical you not receiving the independent variable. We are not labs grown. Each person is so diverse and rarely experiencing similar environmental factors etc.
I think we can conclude at this point that parasites do not cause MS and are very likely helping you to maintain homeostasis. Remember, as the body is being progressively poisoned, and begins to breakdown, you attract the clean up crew to eat your damaged and decaying flesh, cancerous tumors or undigested rotting food. Just like bacteria is pleomorphic and what you are seeing is a direct result of what your environment is only, parasites reflect the same back. So Lee should have concluded the parasites were there because of the tumor, ridding your body of it, not the other way around. And the tumor is there because you have been progressively poisoned, through injection, ingestion and inhalation not exposure to the parasites. Everything in nature has a purpose and works symbiotically. Nothing is created simply for the damage and destruction of another.
Want more evidence that parasites are beneficial. Your gut biome is teeming with parasites known as Blastocystis, which actually support and improve your health. Recent research uncovered that higher levels of these microbes are associated with better heart and metabolic health, potentially indicating a healthier lifestyle marked by diet rich in unprocessed, plant-based foods. While traditionally viewed as harmful, this study suggests that Blastocystis might play a positive role in maintaining a balanced gut ecosystem. Additionally, a six-month dietary intervention in the study demonstrated that participants consuming more fiber-rich diets experienced weight loss and an increase in Blastocystis abundance.
This underscores the importance of fostering a gut environment that has a high energetic frequency of LIVING nutrients that are beneficial for health. We have parasites because the environment calls for them. We harmonize them as we harmonize our environment and ourselves. There can be no other way, another immutable fact. Like weeds that grow after a clear cut, they are not the problem but the solution. They’re there to repair the land and restore it back to harmony. Killing the weeds exacerbates the problem, just like killing the parasites creates even more of the problem as you have effectively eliminated the solution.
When we look at the macro world, such as the ocean, the micro and macrobiome are a direct result of the environment. There can be no other way. You don’t all of a sudden see an infestation of whales or sea turtles. The oceans, when not interfered with, maintain an exact homeostasis, all on its very own. It is only when man comes in with short sided solutions do we see the issues becoming chronic. Speaking of oceans, another prime example of beneficial parasites comes from a study of sharks.
Yes parasites consume your heavy metals. If you kill the parasites inside of you, then you release the heavy metals and have dead parasites decaying inside your body. Can you se we are attacking the wrong enemy. Parasites are not there because we are healthy and needlessly attacked by an indiscriminate mob of invaders meant to wreak havoc on your body. They are there as a solution to a problems we have encountered.
There even is growing speculation that some parasites could play a role in metabolic health, potentially influencing factors such as obesity and diabetes risk. For example, experiments in animal models suggest that certain parasitic infections could alter host metabolism, affecting energy storage and expenditure. This area of research is still in its early stages, but it opens intriguing possibilities for understanding metabolic diseases.
By now I hope you have not only put down the horse paste, but are also starting to see things in a new light. We can’t get sick unless we are poisoned, everything inside and outside our bodies is there for a purpose and without addressing the root cause of the toxins, we will never heal. It will always be that forever hamster wheel loop continually seeking another miracle cure in a new and improved shiny package, but just another brand of cleverly disguised snake oil for an endless lineup of well intentioned people waiting to poison themselves yet once again. We need to stop killing things we have mislabeled as the problem. Antibiotics create more harm than good. Antiparasitics create more harm than good.
What is the solution then. If you find worms in your dogs stool or your kids have an itchy bottom? Just zen out, meditate, play with your singing bowls and wait for the body to reharmonize? Not exactly. As I will go over in Part 3 of our parasite series, the solutions are nuanced and include ways that may seem counterintuitive at first, but are highly effective so you will not have to jump on the bandwagon of the alternative practitioners and poison yourself twice a year to stay healthy. Stay Tuned for Part 3 where I will go over effective solutions that keep you in empowered wellness.
Intestinal Blastocystis is linked to healthier diets and more favorable cardiometabolic outcomes in 56,989 individuals from 32 countries. Published by Elisa Piperni et al. in the journal Cell (July 2024),poisoning%20—%20at%20least%20for%20now.
I have several friends who get all wired because I refuse to get ivermectin. I have used natural healing for years with excellent results unworried about the average parasites people get worked up about. A healthy body handles most things just fine.
The only thing I am seeing that is upsetting the balance is the elevation of emf radiation. It does cause an explosion in many destructive parasites across the living world from animals and fish, to bees, to plants, and humans to a degree. Personal observation- not hysteria from a talking head.
It is not something to make me go ballistic with anti parasite measures, but it is something I keep an eye on. That is not what the average natural healing voice is saying when they talk parasites. They generally don't touch emf radiation onslaught. They just hyperfocus on parasites in general.
Anyway, nice to know others are not hopping on the ivermectin bandwagon. 😉
I think you are on to something. Parasites have been known to be related to cancer since 1895 (NEJM) and reconfirmed in the 1960's by German Scientists. But which came first? Was the parasite a defense mechanism or a way of getting rid of trash? We are pleomorphic beings not monomorphic, where we have microbes in our bodies that can morph into different entities. Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) called them microzymas and Dr Gaston Naessens (1924-2018) called them somatides but they are the same. Dr Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968) wrote about the same effect and called them endobionts and related health to pH and disease to low pH and lack of trace minerals. As the milieu (Terrain) changes these microbes go into action. These microbes are in all living matter. Dr Jerry Tennant has taken their work a step further relating disease to cellular voltage. You can find their amazing research online. Just a thought.