I have several friends who get all wired because I refuse to get ivermectin. I have used natural healing for years with excellent results unworried about the average parasites people get worked up about. A healthy body handles most things just fine.

The only thing I am seeing that is upsetting the balance is the elevation of emf radiation. It does cause an explosion in many destructive parasites across the living world from animals and fish, to bees, to plants, and humans to a degree. Personal observation- not hysteria from a talking head.

It is not something to make me go ballistic with anti parasite measures, but it is something I keep an eye on. That is not what the average natural healing voice is saying when they talk parasites. They generally don't touch emf radiation onslaught. They just hyperfocus on parasites in general.

Anyway, nice to know others are not hopping on the ivermectin bandwagon. 😉

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I would have to see evidence of that on my microscope, or from somebody else, then Arthur Furstenberg, and the invisible rainbow team, who also believe in global warming and climate change. I’ve seen birds build nest on 5G towers. I have a beehive in town that’s flourishing.

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MrrRobbs' reply from > mymountainresearchlabs@use.startmail.com <<

Radio Frequency Radiation...the key word is 'Radiation'....everything emits a radiation..from cell to cell to TV , Radio, Computers , microwave ovens , baby monitors and on and on....

But these facts have been known and PUBLISHED >> by J.C Bose in early 1900s....and well known in many countries by many scientists including N Tesla and dozens more

>>> https://www.gutenberg.org/files/18986/18986-h/18986-h.htm << Bose did the effects of RFR on plants,,,

Its is of interest that DARPA has also spent unlimited money on the effects of RFR on living tissue..and can be found in >> www.darpa.mil << research this site as there are over a million pages is information dealing from Food to education...2345G and 5G underwater 5G is an actual radiation units that can span from high Megahertz to 300 Gigahertz so its very wide area to irritate unknown wave forms, patterns and modulation of unknown sub frequencies ,or harmonics onto the unsuspecting billions of people , animals and living matter....example water when is radiated with a frequency of 2.45 Gigahertz it boils or become unstable or resonates ....5G is also Known as Directed Energy Weapons....used as a "crowd controlling' militrary weapon...it will also KILL People...

IDK as I have been publishing results for years on these known proven 'Facts' but seems no one really cares........you can contact me at my mountain adress above

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Interesting that You can actually see some RFR...light is a frequency from 4 to about 7 Terahertz is the frequency range....and feel it too....and yes a '

sunburn is in fact a Radiation burn.....no sunscreen will not guard you from radiation

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I think you are on to something. Parasites have been known to be related to cancer since 1895 (NEJM) and reconfirmed in the 1960's by German Scientists. But which came first? Was the parasite a defense mechanism or a way of getting rid of trash? We are pleomorphic beings not monomorphic, where we have microbes in our bodies that can morph into different entities. Antoine BeChamp (1816-1908) called them microzymas and Dr Gaston Naessens (1924-2018) called them somatides but they are the same. Dr Gunther Enderlein (1872-1968) wrote about the same effect and called them endobionts and related health to pH and disease to low pH and lack of trace minerals. As the milieu (Terrain) changes these microbes go into action. These microbes are in all living matter. Dr Jerry Tennant has taken their work a step further relating disease to cellular voltage. You can find their amazing research online. Just a thought.

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"related health to pH and disease to low pH "

I know a lady anaesthetist. She was diagnosed with uterine cancer when entering a hospital in Vladivostok. She had been living in Lugansk for some years. An area with contaminated water. They removed her uterus. The oncologist wanted her to get chemotherapy and radiation treatment. I advised her to change her diet and lifestyle. The cancer went away. She has been cancer-free despite repeated tests for 6 months.

The oncologist was astounded. He wrote down her new diet and lifestyle. She consumes alkaline water every day. The blood is supposed to be slightly alkaline (ph > 7.0). People who have acidic blood for prolonged periods (pH <7) get cancer. Quite simple really. It is all to do with a low oxygen level in the blood I think.

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Excellent. From what I have read I found a number of vectors:

1) Lack of nutrients for the immune system, particularly D3 and iodine. Iodine is required in all cells but stored in the thyroid, salivary glands, breasts, pancreas, ovaries and prostate. All glands that secrete require sufficient iodine.

2) Cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic, acidic environment where the cells have no apoptosis and circadian rhythm. They thrive in glucose/sugar/carb environment.

3) A 7.45pH/—25mv cellular voltage are critical for cells to function properly. If you cut off oxygen healthy cells become cancer cells (Warburg effect). If you reduce cellular voltage, a cell membrane loses its ability to absorb oxygen. I didn’t understand this duality until I read Dr Jerry Tennant s book Healing is Voltage, the Handbook. He explains how we are electrical and magnetic beings before being chemical and biological.

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Don’t sell this garbage on my thread. Iodine is toxic and destroys the thyroid

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Do you have more information on iodine?

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Well I have been taking 12 mg Lugols iodine per day for 5 years and when my girlfriend started taking much less her hair started to grow back. But everyone has different science.

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Vitamin D 3 is a rodenticide.

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I’d love to learn more about her protocol. I’m pretty sure you’re able to message me here if you click on my pic . Thank you 🙏

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Thank you!

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Thanks MG. Here Merrit sells parasite protocol via ad on Greg Reese video


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i believe parasites promote life, by eating death; it is vampiric organisms that promote death, by eating life [blood]; there are reasons why vampires are glamorized, and parasites demonized, in this inside-out / upside-down / back-asswards whirled!

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I have also been thinking about getting a good microscope. The problem is that I move around too much and I don't know what to do with it. I come from an engineering, OR and software background.

I would love to know how to recognise contaminated blood from pure blood. I think it will be important for people who wish to have kids with one another. I have an expired patent in this area that has received FDA approval.

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I have listened to all the alternative practitioners you mentioned, and, to be fair, Kaufman and Cowan do not talk about protocols to get rid of parasites. Kaufman has said they are there to eat heavy metals, and he suggests clearing them in order to clear parasites. I don’t know about ADV as I find her annoying to listen to. They all have something to offer, like pointing out the pseudoscience of virology. But recently I’ve been majorly turned off by Kaufman’s simplistic views on inflammation, Cowan’s critique of the Constitution though he’s never studied it and doesn’t vote (he’s also expressed that “something ominous is going on” with RFK’s appointment to HHS Director), and their avoidance of the problem of how to recover from a lifetime of poisoning by the medical profession.

I was initially drawn to Merritt because she was talking about frequency, and she has some idea of the big picture re this systematic poisoning including its history. But then she went batshit over parasites and continues to use the “research” on brains of dead MS patients to rationalize her approach. To say all cancers are collections of parasites without any research to back it up is irresponsible. I’ve written her about this and talked to her assistant, and offered references (also in re to Vit D which she also pushes) to no avail. Maybe the problem is her military background and a resultant seeing every issue as a battle to be fought. Contributing factors include that none of the above-mentioned practitioners has done any clinical research of their own, or has struggled with chronic inflammation or pain, and Kaufman and Merritt are really pretty new to rejecting mainstream medicine and exploring alternatives. They (Cowan, too) constantly berate mainstream types and their research but use it in making their own arguments. And they accept, even rave about, alternative treatments and practitioners that have no supporting research at all. Masuro Emoto is a hero of theirs despite his ultimate admission that he fudged his results.

My biggest problem with all of them is that they never consider the issue of mind, and, so, e.g., the contribution of early trauma to chronic health issues, or well- researched psychological interventions to deal with physiological problems is never addressed. They all seem to practically worship the body. Candace Pert was a mentor of mine, died of a broken heart imo, and brilliantly wrote that any distinction made between body and mind should be for teaching purposes only as there is no separation in the real world. She proposed the term “bodymind.”

Thank you for your deep dive into the parasite issue. I hope it clears up all the confusion out there and gets people to rethink the “daily Ivermectin keeps the doctor away” narrative.

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Kaufman absolutely does talk about protocol to get rid of parasites turpentine with castor oil! I can point several Podcast. He said this on and he talks about doing coffee enemas to get rid of parasites so absolutely disrupts the protective biofilm in the intestines leaving you open and schedule Yule parasite by doing coffee enemas

Cowan absolutely does talk about using castor oil and turpentine to get rid of parasites

And there’s no way Lee Merritt is this dumb she does it on purpose. She’s a pharmaceutical rep just like Fauci just like Bobby Kennedy.

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Sorry, voice texting. Hopefully, you can read through the errors.

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No problem. Either they’ve changed their positions, were never clear in the first place or I missed something despite listening to both regularly for 3 years. I’ve listened to the turpentine discussion 3 X and it did not emphasize parasite cleansing just fat soluble toxin release.

If I missed something, it may be because their position on parasites is similar to what they say about bacterial infections, namely, that while they didn’t cause the infection but are there to process dead tissue, they do release toxins of their own and may have to be dealt with in addition to the core issue of what damaged the tissue to begin with. So, I think if clearing parasites has been mentioned, it would be as a bonus for someone who needs relief from an overgrowth. Kaufman recommends coffee enemas a lot, but as a liver cleanse and general detox.

Both TC and AK can be inconsistent and are very different from who they seemed to be back in ‘21. They both have major business operations now which makes me wonder if that was always the point.

I disagree about Merritt. I believe she has blind spots, and in some ways is not a good thinker, an apparent requirement for MDs.

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I still like both ... but they need to live also .. right? )If their story is true, then at least Cowan had taken away is docs license (iirc). ANd Andy is a psycologist per training, however both have amazing insights and are intelligent people. They may have now "businesses" going yes, but I doubt these are damaging . Both seem geniune. I could be wrong on them both but would surprise me - oth ofc Lee Merrit belongs to the shill "doctors" team. Also wanna add there is an attack ongoin on the Baileys too.. very strange the "no virus" people are targetted now. When it is clear they are correct, viruses do not cause disease and contagion is fake

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I’m not against their having businesses. The markup on Cowan’s products is significant though so I only get from him what can only be found there like the Sea Plasma. I’ve mainly come to not liking their attitude. Those who don’t get on board with their view of “no virus” being the key to ending vaccines are relentlessly mocked. RFK for example was recently described by Cowan as “ominous.” Yet, he’s had more of an effect on people’s questioning vaccines than Cowan or Kaufman, so you’d think that would be appreciated. And they really don’t operate as scientifically as they would have you believe. The virology controls project, for example, makes no sense because there is still no independent variable if the so-called virus isn’t isolated first, something that they say is possible. Controls don’t change that.

I’ve learned from all of them over the last few years. I just don’t like the hubris (which is built into the MD thing..Kaufman is trained as a psychiatrist not a psychologist which explains a lot) and the way they treat people who aren’t a part of their club, Poornima Waugh being the first example. Merritt, to her credit, actually interviewed her and subsequently supported her.

They each have something to offer. But, heroes they are not imo. And I would not seek out any of them for medical/health advice.

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Yes. Basically.

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I think Cowan's opinion has changed over the last couple years on parasites. I don't have a specific reference, but I know for a fact he has acknowledged that parasites may be beneficial on one of his podcasts (don't remember which though). I know the turpentine+ castor oil video Kaufman and Cowan did as well, I also think they mention there that "getting rid of parasites" is accomplished via dissolving +flushing out of fat-soluble toxins, not the killing of parasites. This is from memory, so perhaps I'm mistaken, but I don't really think it sounds like a position they would have tbh.

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In his 9/11/24 webinar on parasites Cowan begins by saying he hasn’t looked into the issue and has no opinion. He then turns the podcast over to Daniel Roytas who has looked into it but mainly asks questions about conventional thinking re parasites. It’s pretty clear that they both are thinking that, like bacteria, they have a restorative function and are not predators to be eradicated.

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Yes seem likely -- i liked the Roytas guy too. One of the better guests in his podcast - however there were a lot of big nothing and shit talkers the last 3 times :) I pointed them out in the comments there at BC .. luckily Tom C does not delete critical comments like MANY other snowflakes/shills there. I am the most blocked person there I guess - the truth hurts! Bitchute is 95%+ a shill party. Here 2 more channels to avoid: "The askenazi jew" (blocked m e for asking VERY legitmate questions) and "Christopher Berknes"(sp?) disabled comments after I asked him for proof of some of his tales (pushes Trump;Put-in etc as REAL people and NOT actors for the cabal, also pushes "nuke" fearpron)

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They are all cointelpro ops. Kaufman, a psyche doc for prisons, Merritt is military, a kinda resembles a male2female. None are talking about directed microwave technology or nano technology or precision healthcare in a meaningful way. The chemtrails contain nasa smart dust which could easily contain bioengineered parasites, eggs, synthetic biology funguses and bacteria’s. DARPA has been known to test on civilian populations since their inception. I think they’re trying to herd every type of dissident into whatever cage/box that will fit ourselves into.as for treating parasites? Well,I’m done poisoning myself for “what ifs” it doesn’t feel right. Maybe the parasites are mind controlling me into that belief but whose to say that’s not the natural way?

If you dig up a garden you will, hopefully, find a plethora of life, some are very scary looking but everything lives symbiotically and all are needed. If I get cancer, I already know that I will never take the establishment’s treatments,if I have pain I will consider pain poison but I will cross that bridge if it needs to be. We are in this poisoned environment for a reason and I’m thinking that trying to save your material body shouldn’t be the focus. I mean, I know health is important but if that’s not possible then what else should we focus on?

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Ridiculous and defamatory comments about Kaufman. He’s influenced by Dr. Jennifer Daniels who I’m sure you’ve never read. So, consequently he’s used some of her detox protocols in his attempt to pivot away from psychiatry towards the holistic - alternative medical area. Whether Dr Daniels protocols work or not, I don’t know because I haven’t personally tried them but Daniels has had many years of treating many patients, and her approach at least is safe.

Terrain isn’t a psyop, or a COINTELPRO operation, it’s just an older 19thC theory, that’s not fully formed and doesn’t take into account many other factors such as water structure or quality, salinity, the placebo and nocebo effect. Or electromagnetism.

The focus on health should be holistic - body, mind, soul. Which most alternative practitioners (including Kaufman) do take into account.

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Sumbunny upset because I said the truth about their hero, awww so sad. Get your Binky off the floor dust it off wipe your tears away— you’ll be just fine

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No tears here.

“We can’t get sick unless we are poisoned”

Another false claim. You’re completely ignoring the nocebo effect, childhood trauma, stress, anxiety, sleep deprivation, hormone imbalance, EMFs, dirty electricity, poor nutrition, carb laden diets, microwaved food, lack of micronutrients, chemical, electrical and ionic imbalances, lack of sunshine, chronic dehydration, lack of exercise, etc., etc.

Heroes are only for childish fools who need leaders. I have no heroes, don’t follow anyone else’s protocols, and do all my own research.

Those, like you, who would use more well known medical figures to boost their (deservingly) unknown profiles, cannot simply stand on their own research or words, and lack integrity and honesty.

Rather than attack the messenger, deal with the message, which you haven’t successfully achieved since you’ve conflated the vastly varying views, protocols and beliefs of 4 very different people with very different backgrounds, different practices all into one category and belief system.

Your childish response to my comment is an obvious projection, and clearly demonstrates your level of discourse to be worthless to any serious minded researcher or alternative health practitioner.

*If* parasites exist as an extension of a toxic terrain (unproven) then detox protocols such as coffee enemas or turpentine (or many other detox methods such as water fasting, reducing toxin exposure, organic and clean eating, filtered, distilled water etc) may be effective detox mechanisms which thus, result in the natural removal of parasites as a secondary result of the removal of the toxins or a return to homeostasis.

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I know Dr daniels and enjoy listening to her podcasts. You’re welcome to believe whatever you choose. I do believe the terrain theory is true and poisons are being used to cause disease. But I think Kaufman and Merritt are not telling the whole truth, perhaps they haven’t looked into it fully. None of us have the total truth. I still don’t trust Kaufman or Merritt or Vollmer.

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I live in Guatemala and have personally experienced and see in my community the devastation that parasites have on overall nutrient absorption, the gut lining, and liver health. The fatigue and lifelessness that people with longterm infections endure.

I work with a licensed Chinese Medicine practitioner to treat these symptoms and the root cause.

Furthermore, parasites are often a sign the hcl of the gut is not acidic enough to defend against environmental pathogens. Recurring infections also represent the presence of H. Pylori which is the leading cause of stomach cancer. So, left unchecked, this is deadly.

I would be very careful about what you share because it could endanger someone’s life.

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As interesting as your words are, I’m sure glad I took fenbendazole! Found out I had liver flukes! It explained a lot of things… 😁

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Some interesting comments about the ph of biome. You can easily do a ph test on your guts with test papers on urine or saliva. Gut biome can be less stable than blood ph which is buffered, usually with calcium reserves in the bones. My experience of testing my ph is that natural rhythms and anxiety or stress can cause big changes. As can exercise and sleep. At the moment I am trying to understand the role of bacteria and fungus in skin conditions. I have read lynn margulis on symbiosis and James Shapiro on what he calls adaptive mutation, which he gives as an explanation for cancer cell mutation in response to conventional treatments. This revolves around the ideas of pleomorphism and mutation as natural diversification and adaptive response to local conditions. The point is that cells can mutate according to changes in immediate habitat without addressing the fact of the original cause of the disease. The take-home, I feel, is that we have to dig deep into the multiple causes of disease which may originate in coping mechanisms as response to intolerable conditions of life or trauma. But somehow I am stuck on the relationship between the opportunist adaptive mutation of the cell in the local sense and the way that fits into the macrobiotic sense of wellbeing as the yardstick of natural balance.

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"You don’t all of a sudden see an infestation of whales or sea turtles"

Right now, all of a sudden, we have a Bared Owl infestation right here in CA.

Fish n game says 500k have to go.

Things go out of balance all the time.

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Amandha Vollmer doesn't advise to kill parasites. She advises to get rid of the heavy metals and the parasites will leave. Do you have evidence of the contrary?

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I live in Guatemala and have personally experienced and see in my community the devastation that parasites have on overall nutrient absorption, the gut lining, and liver health. The fatigue and lifelessness that people with longterm infections endure.

I work with a licensed Chinese Medicine practitioner to treat these symptoms and the root cause.

Furthermore, parasites are often a sign the hcl of the gut is not acidic enough to defend against environmental pathogens. Recurring infections also represent the presence of H. Pylori which is the leading cause of stomach cancer. So, left unchecked, this is deadly.

I would be very careful about what you share because it could endanger someone’s life.

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Curious - do u propose "veganism"? Edit: And u also push the FE psyop? I noted you had D.Weiss aka DITRH - a well known FE shill by veteran researchers on ur channel too. Interesting that SS is the same shill nest like bitchute :))

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🤦‍♀️ curious what have you done to contribute to making the world a better place or just sitting behind you keyboard, tapping cowardly away? Thanks for being a fan.

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Nov 17
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Clearly, you didn’t even read the article and the before, and after was an analogy of how much healthier people are with parasites, the evidence is clear how do you think people in real country survive like India riddled with parasites yet look extremely healthy and live longer than a lot of Americans. doesn’t deserve the dignity of my response time or energy.

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“how do you think people in real country survive like India riddled with parasites yet look extremely healthy and live longer than a lot of Americans”

Statistically they don’t live longer.

“The current life expectancy for India in 2024 is 70.62 years, a 0.29% increase from 2023.”


“The current life expectancy for U.S. in 2024 is 79.25 years, a 0.18% increase from 2023.”

Indians in rural areas, have less childhood vaccines than Americans, less toxic Rx, less antibiotics, less EMF exposure, a healthier diet, - the ones that aren’t vegans. They’re outdoors and spend more time in the sun, in nature, barefoot (grounding) and many walk miles daily rather than use vehicles so they’re more active, not like the sedentary lifestyle of many Americans. They’re also not obese, like Americans, which is a contributor to a multitude of illnesses, chronic and fatal.

Indians use traditional and Ayurveda medicine. Many practice yoga, meditation and other forms of energy medicine.

Their longevity or health status isn’t due to “parasites”. Lack of or “riddled with”, neither of which you can possibly know.

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Jeezuz, man….posting at 3:15am….sounding like you’re a little shit-faced…😹

Try reading it again today after your hangover is gone.

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He is right w/ the "strange" photo tho... as if being skinny or deadly thin is something to admire or healthy especially women need bodyfat. Plus this channel here also seems to attack the "no virus" team (I may be wrong and it only seems so). Critic of this content here is warranted ..even if the premise that "parasites" are not so dangerous as told by mainstream can be true. Plus does the channel push "plant based" or vegan, too? A part of her text suggests this and vegoons LOVE the skinny and skeleton look (part of the depopulation agenda ofc)

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#1 - no, he’s not right to take issue with the photo used: the female on the right is not ‘skinny’ unless a person prefers buxom-bellied people, in which case, she could appear ‘skinny’ to them.

#2 - ‘no virus’ comment pulled outta yer arse, was it?

#3 - ‘pushing’ veganism is your perception of unhealthy, ‘pushing’ the carnivore diet is another man’s perception of healthy = both valid if you have an actual argument.

#4 - questioning whether or not the channel ascribes to any line of thinking is a strange thing to do when if sounds as if you haven’t perused her channel. Have at ‘er, then make comments.

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