If you are not already following my friend Agent 131711 then you are missing out. Highly recommend. Agent, dpl, moon maiden, Tim Truth and myself are real people who are sick of unsuspecting adults taking poison and or giving it to their children. We are some of the only people speaking out against this brand of pharma lite and trying patiently to explain they are tricking you into poisoning yourself. When Agent wrote a well researched, well written and thoughtful article showcasing the damages to the body if you take rat poison, aka Vitamin D3 he was attacked and his research was undermined. The only problem is everything he wrote about was accurate. So why did Dr. Lee Merritt lie? Not wanting to be wrong, or appear foolish or lose income on private label supplements or her affiliate links? I can only guess but “Dr” Lee Merritt, who I actually liked when I first heard her talk about the “great awakening” and how to stay safe. Either she is either developmentally delayed, or just pushing fear porn so you poison yourself I can’t surmise. What she said in her article against Agent is an outright lie and her logic creates chaos and confusion, meant to try and justify taking a known poison. Again, when you look at the reseerch simply through the eyes of chemistry and reactions, the facts are there. That she can look the camera and subsequently you right in the eye and lie is a wake up call. If someone has a large audience, cries about being censored and then still has a large audience they deserved to be held under a spotlight and 3rd degree. She was the one that also told us they are spraying hydrogel, graphine and whatever else in the chemtrails so its to late, everyone is doomed. But make sure to cover your attic in mylar to avoid detection and buy her brand of snake oil just in case the world doesn’t end. Either way, she is telling you to be afraid and to take poison. Remember when you discovered that a virus was a lie and contagion was a myth? And you couldn’t believe people were still lining up to get the jab, multiple times? Well that is what we have discovered about vitamins and supplements, and the rest of the snake oil they are trying to get you to poison yourself with like chlorine dioxide, methylene blue etc. The list continues until your jaw drops and your so called hero’s pimping this stuff like candy, fall from grace like trees during Mt. St. Helen’s eruption. Amandha Vollmer wants you to take mega doses of Vitamin D3, no one can question her on her channel without being immediately banned. She also feels its safe to give it babies, pregnant women and children and if you challenge her she will come after you with a pitchfork and torch. And just so happens she is not even a certified naturopath or Doctor, but still tells people what to put into their bodies. When will you learn to never let anyone tell you what to put in your body but you. Trust your body and your intuition. Not someone profiting from your decision to take what they are selling.
Want to know more about Vitamin D3? Please read my article with an open mind. If you have any pathophysiology questions, go on SecoSteroid Hormone D and join the group. Jim Stephenson Jr has 100’s of scientific articles showing the chemistry involved point by point how this will damage your body and has absolutely zero benefit. The group is excellent recourse for all of the questions you may have. Of course, those of us with common sense already know you can’t poison the body back to health. But for those that need research and studies, please, read on…

Did you take your daily dose of rat poison? I’m almost positive most of you reading this just did. This is one of the biggest scams perpetuated on the populace. It is impossible to take the 15+ synergistic reactions that you get from the sunlight onto your skin and convert it into a pill. Not only that, the way the extract Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol uses cancer causing agents like Benzene and other toxic solvents that are known carcinogens. Even worse, there is really no such thing as "Vitamin D".
This snake oil sales job began when Dr. Holick, an unscrupulous doctor hired by the vitamin D industry (did you know that was even a thing?) who sold the medical association on a mythical sunshine vitamin deficiency range that when supplemented with D3 (cholecalciferol) cures everything from depression to MS, Guillain-Barre, Covid, brittle bones or basically everything under the sun. The industry gave the physician hundreds of thousands of dollars to change what was considered normal ranges to now abnormal values for Vitamin D levels, making the majority of the population now deficient with the click of a button. By the way the serum value your MD orders is testing 2,5D which is not even the right molecule. They should be testing 1,25D the active form, although neither has nothing to do with your purported sunshine health benefits. They had the perfect pharmaceutical play-they found a chemical that changes a serum lab value, made up a diagnosis (Vitamin D3 deficiency) and tell you the poison is working because they lab value changed. Never mind that your hair is thinning, you have atrial fibrillation, joint pain, sprains, kidney stones and brittle bones. Again, their dream as they now have a downstream customer that needs even more of their poison drugs. Starting to get the picture?
In 1984, cholecalciferol (aka Vitamin D3) was registered for use as a rodenticide. Cholecalciferol was a major ingredient in these pesticides made by the Dutch manufacturer Phillips-Dunphar and Wisconsin-based Bell Laboratories. Don’t believe me, go to the chemists website and they will tell you it has never been tested for safety in humans. And it kills rats, mice, cats, and depending on size dogs by calcifying their bodies, usually the liver. Same things happens to us, but takes a much longer period of time because of the dosage. https://www.chemservice.com/news/what-is-cholecalciferol/
When approved for use, its toxicology on humans or the environment was never studied in full or conclusions ever made. My gut feeling? If it kills rats, mice, cats, and other small mammals its probably not something you want in or near your body. When ingested, the cholecalciferol pulls minerals from the bones into the blood stream. In any medical school you learn that excess calcium causes heart problems from irregular rhythms, to flutters and even atrial and ventricle fibrillations. The side effects of cholecalciferol, in excess of just 4000iu per day (most supplements are 2,000-20,000 iu or even higher like 40,000 iu megadoses as Amandha likes to prescribe) include chest pain, irregular heart beat, fatigue, shortness of breath, osteoporosis, hypercalcemia to name a few. It calcifies the entire body slowly over time…the pineal gland, kidneys and the glomerulus capsules which leads to kidney stones, or tiny pieces of your calcified kidneys falling down your ureters into the bladder. And it accumulates in the fat storage as it is a fat soluble secosteroid hormone. The steroid part of the drug is likely why people feel good initially.
As a medically trained health professional I have one rule. “Don’t interfere with Mother Nature”. The more we become technologically “advanced” the more disastrous our lives play out. Half of Americans have a chronic disease, 1/2 have a chronic illness, 1 out of 23 boys has autism, the list goes on and one. You simply will never be able to take the miraculous and wondrous synergistic reactions happening simultaneously, pick ONE of the 15-17 hormonal reactions and cry Eureka!! we found the sunshine chemical, whip it up in a lab and call it good.
Remember when they told us the sun’s rays were harmful. When the industry started telling everyone to start using sunscreen the incidence of skin cancer went up over 1000%. Not only were we slathering toxic chemicals on our bodies at least every hour on the hour if you were following the instructions on the plastic jug, but the bodies natural mechanisms to signal you to get out of the sun were shut down, and the chemicals are being radiated by the UVA/UVB lights of the sun. Not only that, most people wear sunglasses block the pineal gland signaling to the skin receptors to close in bright sun and open in lower light, produce specific amounts of melanin and tell you when it’s time to get out of the sunlight. Yes, our bodies are that miraculous when we resist the temptation to interfere, aka enter into a state of fear and meddle with our bodies miraculous and perfect design. Wild humans have the sense to find shade when they feel like it and expose to sun when it feels good. That is the bodies natural balancing act. Poetry in motion.
Why are we all of a sudden deficient in Vitamin D? My first clue that something was off came to me when I realized every one of my patients and clients were now being tested via a blood lab test for Vitamin D deficiency. Of those tested, approximately 95% were low, and then given a recommendation to go and buy a supplement. Remember, the molecule they are testing you for on the lab has NOTHING to do with your health related to sunlight. No one was asked about their exposure to the sun or use of sunscreen, diet, lifestyle etc. After we started testing and “treating” for this deficiency, bone disorders and osteoporosis and other bone related diseases began to increase exponentially, some as high as 1000%. This doesn’t prove correlation or causation, but definitely something that raises a red flag.
The solution? Listen to your body and the perfection of your internal wisdom. When you need sunshine, you will likely start to crave time in the sun. Say outside until you feel like going in, usually 10-30 minutes. As “Vitamin D” is a fat soluble vitamin you can store it in your fat cells if you live in dark places during the winter. Live in far Northern climates you can get as much Vitamin D in as little as 5-10 minutes with just your face and hand exposed. You can get plenty of sunshine in the summer months and store it all Fall and Winter. Yes, the body is perfect.
What more information? Check out the resources below or go to purifywithin.com
Want more? Dr. Stephanie Seneff Sunlight has been an important source of energy for planet earth since its inception. Plants have learned how to use the energy in sunlight to create organic matter. I believe that animals have exploited sunlight as a source of energy for movement and for cognition. Sulfate synthesis in the skin is a powerful way to capture the sun’s energy, and sulfate has diverse roles in the body that are essential for good health, particularly in maintaining a healthy vasculature, an electrical supply to the body, and an efficient delivery system for sulfate-conjugated biologically active molecules, such as cholesterol, vitamin D, dopamine and melatonin. Sunlight also offers natural protection from the harsh summer sun through the production of melatonin in the skin. Vitamin D supplements send the tissues a false signal that cholesterol sulfate is plentiful.
David G Hoel and Frank R de Gruijl. Sun Exposure Public Health Directives. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2018; 15: 2794.
RB Weller. Sunlight Has Cardiovascular Benefits Independently of Vitamin D. Blood Purification 2016; 41: 130-134.
Eleni Linos et al. Increasing Burden of Melanoma in the United States. J Invest Dermatol 2009; 129(7): 1666-1674.
Philippe Autier et al. Melanoma and Use of Sunscreens: An EORTC Case-control Study in Germany, Belgium and France. International Journal of Cancer 1995; 61(6): 749-755.
A Samsel and S Seneff, Glyphosate’s Suppression of Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by the Gut Microbiome: Pathways to Modern Diseases. Entropy 2013; 15: 1416-1463.
Dmitriy Timerman et al. Vitamin D Deficiency is Associated with a Worse Prognosis in Metastatic Melanoma. Oncotarget 2017; 8(4): 6873-6882.
JY Tang et al. Calcium Plus Vitamin D Supplementation and the Risk of Nonmelanoma and Melanoma Skin Cancer: Post Hoc Analyses of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Controlled Trial. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29(22): 3078-84.
CF Garland and FC Garland. Do Sunlight and Vitamin D Reduce the Likelihood of Colon Cancer? Int J Epidemiol 1980; 9(3): 227-231.
Grant WB. A Review of the Evidence Supporting the Vitamin D-Cancer Prevention Hypothesis in 2017. Anticancer Res. 2018 Feb;38(2):1121-1136.
JE Manson et al. Vitamin D Supplements and Prevention of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease. N Engl J Med 2019; 380(1): 33-44.
M Feelisch et al. Is Sunlight Good for our Heart? European Heart Journal 2010; 31: 1041-1045.
JP Pell and SM Cobbe. Seasonal Variations in Coronary Heart Disease. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 1999; 92(12): 689-696.
Vivek G Patwardhan et al. Randomized Control Trial Assessing Impact of Increased Sunlight Exposure versus Vitamin D Supplementation on Lipid Profile in Indian Vitamin D Deficient Men. Indian J Endocrinol Metab 2017; 21(3): 393-398.
S Briese Arterial and Cardiac Disease in Young Adults with Childhood-Onset End-Stage Renal Disease – Impact of Calcium and Vitamin D Therapy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2006; 21: 1906-1914.
P Puddu et al. Endothelial Dysfunction in Hypertension. Acta Cardiol 2000; 55(4): 221-32.
D Liu et al. UVA Irradiation of Human Skin Vasodilates Arterial Vasculature and Lowers Blood Pressure Independently of Nitric Oxide Synthase. J Invest Dermatol 2014 134: 1839-1846.
S Seneff et al. A Novel Hypothesis for Atherosclerosis as a Cholesterol Sulfate Deficiency Syndrome. Theoretical Biology and Medical Modeling 2015; 12: 9.
O Johnell et al. Latitude, Socioeconomic Prosperity, Mobile Phones and Hip Fracture Risk. Osteoporosis International 2007; 18(3): 333-337.
Rani Ramason et al. Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency in Patients With Hip Fracture Seen in an Orthogeriatric Service in Sunny Singapore. Geriatr Orthop Surg Rehabil 2014; 5(2): 82-86.
Lauren A Burt et al. Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D Supplementation on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2019; 322(8): 736-745.
WA Morley and S Seneff. Diminished Brain Resilience Syndrome: A Modern Day Neurological Pathology of Increased Susceptibility to Mild Brain Trauma, Concussion, and Downstream Neurodegeneration. Surgical Neurology International 2014; 5: 97.
Robert L Haining et al. Neuromelanin, One of the Most Overlooked Molecules in Modern Medicine, is Not a Spectator. Neural Regen Res 2017; 12(3): 372-375.
F van den Bos et al. Bone Mineral Density and Vitamin D Status in Parkinson’s Disease Patients. J Neurol 2013; 260(3): 754-60.
Juan Wang et al. Vitamin D and Sunlight Exposure in Newly-Diagnosed Parkinson’s Disease. Nutrients 2016; 8(3): 142.
Sunlight and Vitamin D: They’re Not the Same Thing!
Facebook deleted my Substack link to this article and shadow bands or deletes my post on vitamins and supplements and how toxic they are. Sure makes you wonder doesn’t it?
I believe you.