Attack of the Parasites
Have you fallen for yet another fear mongering, counterintelligence psyop to get you to poison yourself? Yet once again, they have tricked you into poisoning yourself.
Welcome to the wonderful world of invisible, cartoon invaders that require an interpreter to tell you something is wrong through their pharmaceutical-funded lab tests and values. Like a virus, bad bacteria, tick bites, or the ever-present, always good-for-a-scare, PARASITE!!! (Can you hear the far-away scream whenever you say that word?) Before I get started, a huge shout out to the amazing Agent131711 for all the back and forth help, wild ideas and unending support. There are only a few of us speaking the truth without our voices owned and controlled. Huge respect for this man and his stand for the truth and ultimately the courage to do the right thing.
It doesn’t matter who you listen to, everyone is rabidly concerned about parasites and what we should be doing to annihilate them. But have you ever stopped and wondered what exactly these little critters are? And more importantly, should we be guzzling insecticides and slathering horse dewormer on our loved ones to combat the dreaded, ever-so-tiny invaders? First, take a deep breath. I can see you grabbing the wormwood like movie popcorn, dipped in apple-flavored ivermectin just at the mention of the word. But before we napalm them back to the Stone Age, a little education on the hidden and hijacked planet of parasites.
First, let’s define what exactly a parasitic relationship is. “Parasitism is a close relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or inside another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.” However, if this were only the case, you could conclude that every living organism would become overrun with parasites, since they only cause harm to the host and steal the nutrients. Why haven’t we lost marine life, wildlife, and pet life to these invaders? If we follow the logic, and fish have parasites, raw meat has parasites, unwashed produce, unwashed hands cause and spread the little critters, that would cover just about the population in parasites.
Again, everyone would need to take a periodic deworming protocol or live with these monsters taking over for the rest of their life. And if you listen to the alternative/allopathic (same-same), that is exactly what is happening. They tell you in no uncertain terms that every single person has parasites and needs to kill them several times a year with various forms of oral insecticides.
However, it is important to educate and empower yourself so those that profit from your ignorance can’t get their hooks in, tricking you into poisoning yourself yet again.
Here is a closer look at the world of parasites, what exactly we are talking about, how to know you have them, and how to effectively deal with them if you do. And spoiler alert, the last thing you want to do is kill these critters inside your body. I will reiterate for significance: If you kill them inside your body, you will have created a problem that pales in comparison to actually having a temporary issue with parasites. I’ll discuss this more in Part 2 of our 3-part parasite exposé.
Protozoa: The Tiny Movers and Shakers
Examples: Includes parasites like Giardia and amoebic dysentery amoebas.
Type: Includes flagellates and amoebae.
Symptoms & Recognition: Infiltration in your body results in digestive issues such as diarrhea and stomach cramps with an obvious and distinct odor. These symptoms usually arise after consuming severely contaminated food or water, and diagnosis is confirmed through labs tests after experiencing these prolonged symptoms. More on that in Part 3, solutions.
Identification: Watch for sudden, severe and prolonged digestive problems and fatigue, often after traveling or consuming untreated water. There is a distinct odor to the stool that indicates protozoa, and frequent and water diarrhea.
Diet: Feed on dying cells and decaying tissues of the host, including compromised intestinal linings.
Chromista: Ciliate and Sporozoa Enthusiasts Chromista:
Type: Includes ciliates and sporozoa.
Examples: Covers parasites allegedly causing balantidiasis and malaria. Plasmodium is the protozoan said to cause malaria and is transmitted through mosquito bites. Studying the anatomy of a mosquito for the past few hours, I discovered that only the female bites, and she uses the blood to reproduce and lay eggs somewhere in water. The beak of the mosquito actually contains 6 microneedles; one injects “saliva” with an anticoagulant so the host’s blood flows enough to gather what the female mosquito needs to lay her eggs. This saliva is allegedly what causes the reaction on the skin and the release of histamine, which can cause itching and welts. I will show you in our next Stack that the amount injected into the skin is not only benign but may have some health benefits, aka mosquito medicine. Also, Dr. Tom Cowan goes through and debunks the possibility that mosquitoes spread malaria, suggesting that the likely culprit is the poison they spray. More on this in Part 2 of our Parasite Series.
Symptoms & Recognition: Common signs include severe symptoms like fever and chills (in the case of “malaria”) or digestive upset from others. Such symptoms suggest infection and are typically have sketchy ways they have been confirmed.
Identification: Cyclical fever and chills, particularly after visiting endemic areas.
Diet: Target red blood cells, consuming hemoglobin for growth, but not healhty robust blood. They target very specific blood with very spcific abnormalities. We will discuss this more in part 2 of the actual and surprising cause of these symptoms.
Animalia Adventures: Helminths on a Clean-up Mission
Examples: Involves common worms like roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes. Usually from eating raw or uncooked meats like sushi and rare cuts of meats.
Symptoms & Recognition: Recognizable through the presence of worms in stool along with symptoms like weight loss, anemia, digestive issues, stomach pain, nausea, and itching. These infections are confirmed when worms are visible in the stool, persistent and obvious GI symptoms through direct observation.
Identification: Unexplained weight loss and appetite changes.
Diet: Imagining these as little cleaners inside the body, as they consume digesting food, decaying flesh, heavy metals and damaged epithelial cells. They also can absorb nutrients and blood from the host’s intestines
Arthropods: The External Freeloaders Arthropods:
Examples: Includes well-known pests like mites, ticks, lice, and fleas.
Symptoms & Recognition: These cause skin issues such as redness and itching, always visible on the skin or scalp.
Identification: Visible bites or crawling insects on the skin or clothing.
Diet: Feed on specific conditions of blood and certain skin tissue.
Fungus: Microscopic and Fear Porn Material.
Type: Includes molds and dermatophytes.
Symptoms: Skin irritation, itching, and respiratory issues.
Identification: Visible mold growth or persistent skin issues. Black mold doesn’t need to be hidden, but visible, prevalent and in large amounts in a closed, small moist environment to cause respiratory issues, illness and disease.
Diet: Feed on organic material, including skin layers.
Type: Candida and other yeasts.
Symptoms: Fatigue, digestive discomfort, and yeast infections.
Identification: Watch for recurrent infections and sugar cravings.
Diet: Thrive on Frakenfoods, sugar, chemically laced foods, fortified foods, fake sugars like stevia and xylitol and processed starches in the diet. Easier to deal with than you may realize. And taking anything, like pre or probiotics, antifungals to combat any yeast will inevitably make it worse and chronic. The favorite pateint loop of the naturopathic, functional and allopathic models.
As you can see, the majority of these pests are not only visible to the naked eye but will also always give you obvious signs that you have been intercepted by some type of parasite.
It is absolute nonsense to believe that your body is riddled with parasites, including blood and liver flukes, without any symptoms or signals.
Therefore, it is equally ludicrous to prophylactically treat parasites or assume you have them. When you are infected, it is obvious. It is also important to note that these invaders cannot attach to a healthy host. I need to emphasize this. You can’t be infested with parasites if you are healthy and in harmony with your body’s natural defenses. The message, however, to underline further is: You are being tricked on a daily basis into eroding each and every one of your body’s natural barriers. This is why I created my new, live 11-week course starting the 3rd week of January on how to rid yourself of anything that disrupts your body’s miraculous capacity to stay in harmony and health—the only state your body knows. It takes 11 weeks to understand the depth of the tricks, smoke and mirrors, and how easily you can be persuaded to take drugs and chemicals that cause the disease you were taking the drugs to cure.
You cannot do better then your bodies natural defense system when it comes to parasites
The best way to treat any disharmonious state is to prevent it from happening in the first place. And to do this you must first and foremost keep your shields and barriers intact.
First Line of Defense: Physical Barriers:
Skin: Acts like a tough shield that prevents parasites from entering our bodies. Your skin cannot protect you if you use detergents of any kind on your skin and wash off the natural skin oils. This includes homemade soaps, no matter how health washed your local hippy describes them. And the solution is not to go around smelling like a zoo animal either. Stay tuned for Part 3 where we go into all of the solutions to parasites.
Mucous Membranes: Located in the respiratory, digestive, and urogenital tracts, they trap and expel invaders through mucus secretion. How many allopathic cures are designed to dry up mucous?
Second Line of Defense: Bodies Natural Response System:
Insult/Reaction Response: When a parasite is detected, the body triggers a response, sending various fluids containing everything from white blood cells to natural killer cells to the affected area to fend off the invader.
Phagocytosis: Special cells like macrophages and neutrophils engulf and destroy parasites. Again, we have to rely on their science for this to be true, but so far, I’ll go with it. The swelling and increased mobilization are key factors to the body healing the intestines.
Natural Barriers and Reactions:
Stomach Acid: The acidic environment can destroy many if not all ingested parasites, provided you have an acidic environment that has not been disrupted with alcohol, caffeine, sugar and processed food.
Gut Flora: Healthy bacteria in the gut outcompete parasites, helping to prevent colonization. Remember all bacteria is healthy if it is a healthy environment, they are pleomorphic and will change shape to suite the environment you have created. More on this in Part 3 of our Parasite Investigation Series.
Behavioral Responses:
Fever: Raising body temperature can help inhibit parasite growth and activity.
Expulsion Mechanisms: Sneezing, coughing, vomiting, and diarrhea are ways the body flushes out irritants, including parasites.
To wrap this first part up, you can’t get parasites if you are healthy, you can’t have them without symptoms, and for almost all encounters, your body will clear them on its own.
asserts in several articles and podcasts that cancer tumors are simply just good ol’ parasites, that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by parasites; therefore, she asserts that taking drugs like Ivermectin can effectively cure cancer and Multiple Sclerosis. Not to keep picking on this deep-voiced military specialist spewing the exact same information as Tony Fauci and the medical industrial complex on parasites, but what in the heck is she talking about? Following her logic, the worms collect in a ball inside your body, just waiting to be killed by Ivermectin? What is this collection of worms eating? Each other?MS is not a disease, but a diagnostic code to sell you drugs. It is in part a wearing away of myelin, which can cause a host of different symptoms in different people. Parasites do not eat myelin; remember, they are either visible with a microscope and tissue sample and create symptoms signaling their presence. They live in very specific parts of the body and eat very specific things. I don’t believe they free float through the body, going from the intestines to the lungs, lodging wherever they please in a healthy host. Remember, just like bacteria that are present with necrotic tissue breaking down the decaying cells, they are present because of the initial insult, not because they are the problem. The bacteria are there as the solution, as are most if not all of the parasites. They are dependent on the environment you have created. (I’ll support this more in Part 2).
Preview for Part 2
Let’s get into the nitty-gritty and discuss exactly which parasites can be harmful, how there are several species of beneficial parasites, running counter to logic given even the name itself. Proving once again, they lie to us about everything. Even the concept of parasitic relationships. I think the cowards running the show looked in the mirror and wrote the definition based on their systems to rule over us. I don’t believe this exists in the natural world.
To be continued…
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I am Looking forward to parts two and three!